I'm a visual learner and a self-taught developer with a strong passion for frontend web development.
I primarily engage in front-end development using JavaScript,React.js & Next.js and like to explore & learn different things in my spare time.
I have practical experience with backend technologies includingNode.jsfor building RESTful APIs, databases like MongoDB and Firebase for data storage, and version control using Gitand collaboration on GitHub.
A MERN Stack Project where people can Read, Borrow or Buy Book seamlessly navigate through Home,Category & Product pages with an intuitive navigation system & user-friendly layout Featuring BreadCrumbs for easy traversal.
A comprehensive MERN Stack project, facilitating pet adoption, donations for injured animals, and organizing donation campaigns. Users can easily find and adopt their favorite pets, contribute towards the welfare of wounded animals, and coordinate donation drives.
The platform features an intuitive user interface for seamless navigation and includes an admin dashboard for centralized management and control.
BsC(Computer Science & Engineering)
Design & Developed By Shariful Islam.